Our partners

Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation
The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation is the main financial backer of the socioeco.org website. The Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation works primarily in the areas of governance and sustainable development, based on a plural economy. It also produces methods and innovative collaborative tools.
Website: https://www.fph.ch/index_en.html

RIPESS is an intercontinental network that connects social and solidarity economy networks throughout the world. As a network of networks, it brings together continental networks that in turn bring together national and sector-based networks. RIPESS believes in the importance of global solidarity in order to build and strengthen an economy that puts people and planet front and center. From Lima to Quebec, from Dakar to Luxembourg, RIPESS organizes global forums every four years and is a nexus for learning, information sharing and collaboration.
Website: https://www.ripess.org et https://www.ripess.eu

Born from a suggestion made at the 4th Forum on Globalisation of Solidarity Lux09, in April 2009 by founding members of ALOE, Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and Solidarity Economy, Solecopedia is an initiative that is complementary to other communication tools and processes aimed at supporting a new emerging economy, based on greater solidarity and sustainability, such as resource websites and mapping of existing initiatives.
The main purpose of Solecopedia is to establish a dialogue between actors, researchers of different countries, cultures and sectors, on practices and concepts, to help make a sustainable and solidarity-based economy more visible by bringing economic, social and ecological notions together, and showing the coherence of its practices and associated theories.
Website: https://solecopedia.socioeco.org/

Autour du 1er Mai
Autour du 1er mai is a not-for-profit organization that has created and manages the Base Cinéma et société, a database of films on society and the issues it raises. The database’s goal is to allow everyone to locate films, to find out where to watch them, how to get hold of them and how to organize a screening.
The films are classified on the website by theme-based points of access. You can also find all the films covering the social and solidarity economy directly on the socioeco.org website, grouped under different filmographies.
The organization’s team can provide you with advice on organizing screenings and drawing up filmographies and answer any other questions you may have on its activities.
Website: https://www.autourdu1ermai.fr/

COREDEM: confederation of websites for a worldwide democracy
Created in 2009, the Communauté des sites ressources pour une démocratie mondiale (Coredem) is the product of a Ritmo and FPH (Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme) initiative. The online community thereby created aims to bring together the organizations which have decided to team up and pool together their information and analyses so as to facilitate public access to their respective information resources.
Website: https://www.coredem.info

DPH, Dialogues, Proposals, Stories for global citizenship, provides more than 7,000 articles on exemplary struggles, innovative actions and organisations, collective analyses and proposals - in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese and from all continents. You can find the DPH articles on SSE on the socioeco.org website.
Website: https://www.d-p-h.info/index_en.html

Ritimo is a network that provides information and documents as tools in the effort to create a world based on solidarity and sustainable development. At 90 sites throughout France, Ritimo welcomes the public, provides information on citizen campaigns and offers special activities and training. Ritimo provides information and documents on line via its website, available in French, English , Spanish and Portuguese.
Website: https://www.ritimo.org

The CFSI runs the ALIMENTERRE Platform & Resources website. The CFSI is an association of 23 organisations that share the same vision of international solidarity. It includes development NGOs, organisations with ties to local authorities, and labour organisations.
Members of the CFSI believe that the North and South should come together to face the issues of the future for:
– Social justice, to reduce poverty and growing inequalities;
– An economy that serves the people, not the other way round;
– The equitable distribution and sustainable management of the Earth’s natural resources.
Website: https://www.alimenterre.org/en

Charles Léopold Mayer Publishing House
The Editions Charles Léopold Mayer publishing house publishes works of analysis, reflection and proposals so as to renew practices and mechanisms of action that are currently being developed both locally and at the level of a global society searching for alternatives and new ideas. The main themes published include fair trade, international cooperation, intercultural dialogue, social economy, social finance, responsible tourism, local and global governance, participatory democracy, public goods, social responsibility, peace building, ethics, communication, environmental management, sustainable development and citizen science.
Website: https://www.eclm.fr

Solidarius Italy
Solidarius Italy is a solidarity economy enterprise (unincorporated and not for profit). It operates nationally and internationally to promote local development processes in order to create, qualify, and support micro-enterprises and networks of collaboration and solidarity economy, by building economic, social and environmental sustainability and social cohesion.
It has 5 main fields of intervention: RESEARCH, EDUCATION, SOCIAL PROJECTS, PUBLISHING, SOCIAL COMMUNICATION. It is the Italian node of the transnational network promoted by « Solidarius », an organisation which is part of the Brazilian Forum of Solidarity Socio-Economy and is one of the founders of RIPESS Europe.
Website: https://www.solidariusitalia.it

International Journal of Community Currency Research - IJCCR
The IJCCR was conceived as an online forum for disseminating knowledge about community and complementary currencies. As a freely available online resource, it makes new scientific knowledge about this innovative phenomenon accessible to all, so overcoming many of the barriers separating ‘academics’ from ‘activists’. It also offers speedy publication of new findings, again overcoming the lengthy delays associated with publishing in traditional academic print journals.
This peer-reviewed journal aims to provide a common forum for informed articulation and debate of empirical, critical and theoretical research on community currencies. We seek to bridge the gaps in knowledge, practice and communication which exist between community currency ‘activists’ and ‘academics’.
Community currencies are here defined widely to encompass the full range of possible currency systems. Our desire is to facilitate analysis not only of those systems currently in use, including the ‘money-based’ systems such as LETS, time-based systems such as time-dollars and Ithaca hours, other scrip-based community exchanges as well as business trade exchanges, but also to provide an arena in which the historical use of community currencies can be explored.
Website: https://ijccr.net/

Portal de Economía Solidaria
The Portal de Economía Solidaria is a space for all social, economical, political and specific sectors, it is a place for meeting, reflexion, participation, adhesion and communication on the economical structures in solidarity with people, society and planet.
Website : https://www.economiasolidaria.org

Ciriec International
The objectives of CIRIEC (International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy) are to undertake and promote the collection of information, scientific research, and the publication of works on economic sectors and activities oriented towards the service of the general and collective interest:
• action by the State and the local and regional public authorities in economic fields (economic policy, regulation);
• public utilities;
• public and mixed enterprises at the national, regional and municipal levels;
• the so-called “social economy” (not-for-profit economy, cooperatives, mutuals, and non-profit organizations); etc.
Website: https://www.ciriec.ulg.ac.be

CDTM Paris
The CDTM de Paris is a center of specialized resources about Fair Trade and Solidarity-based Tourism. It includes documents in English, French, Soanish and Portuguese.
Website: https://www.cdtm75.org

CIDEC - Centre for European Information and Documentation on Public, Social and Cooperative Economy - is a documentation centre attached to IUDESCOOP (University Institute of Social and Cooperative Economy), of the University of Valencia, and to the scientific association CIRIEC-Spain.
Its main task is to support research and training in the field of social economy and cooperativism, providing specialised information and advice to researchers, teachers, professionals in the sector, students and other people interested in social economy issues, particularly in all matters relating to worker cooperatives, agricultural cooperatives, worker-owned companies, voluntary non-profit organisations and associations, as well as employment, social services, public policies and rural tourism.

Citego: Cities Territories Governance
CITEGO promotes the exchange of experience and the sharing of knowledge between practitioners, researchers, elected representatives, associations and citizens, on issues relating to the governance of territories and their role in the transition to sustainable societies. This mediation work is carried out with the aim of breaking down institutional, disciplinary and socio-professional barriers, bringing knowledge closer to action, reinforcing a cross-disciplinary approach to the issues at stake and providing ongoing training.
Website: https://www.citego.org/index_en.html

Website of Marco Coscione, consultant and social researcher on sustainability, fair trade, responsible consumption, solidarity economy and social movements in Latin America.
Website: https://www.altramerica.info/

Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO)
The Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) speaks out on behalf of the Fair Trade Movement for Fair Trade and Trade Justice with the aim to improve the livelihoods of marginalised producers and workers in the South. The FTAO is a joint initiative of Fairtrade International, the World Fair Trade Organization and the World Fair Trade Organization-Europe.
Website: https://fairtrade-advocacy.org/

UNTFSSE Knowledge Hub on SDGs
Compendium of the articles selected from the 320 submitted to the Call for Papers “Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What is the role of the Social and Solidarity Economy?”, Initiative of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) in alliance with the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development (UNRISD).
Website: https://knowledgehub.unsse.org/knowledge-hub/characterization-of-the-knowledge-hub/