La amistad comercial como experiencia societaria
Evidencias desde Chile
Nicolás Gómez Núñez, Tania Encina, Rocío Mieres, Camilo Lazo
From Client to Comrade: Alternative Currency and Market Relations in Mexico
Thesis, University of Manchester for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities
Solidarity Economy in the context of the Nordic welfare state
Master’s thesis, Faculty of Management , Tampere University
Alternative funding instruments for Servei Solidari
International Business Economics – Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Building social innovation ecosystems: a capability approach
Máster en Economía Social de la Facultad de Economía, Universitat de Valencia
Multispecies Ecofeminism:. Ecofeminist Flourishing of the Twenty-First Century.
MASTER OF ARTS in the Department of Sociology, University of Victoria, Canada
Master in social economics cooperatives and non-profit organiisationsIONS, Universitat Valencia
Social Inventors for Territories where Life can be Lived Martine Theveniaut - Detailed Summary 2015
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sociology, supervised by Jean-Louis Laville,Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers Paris, presented in 2007 and updated between 2014 and 2015.
Masters eses 1911 - February 2014. Paper 859 University of Massachussets Amherst MASTER OF REGIONAL PLANNING
MSc in Food Security Management, Coventry University, UK
Master degree student in Public Policy and Management Program, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Dissertation Economics for Transition, SchumacherCollege MA , Great Britain
Environmental and social responsibility in the coffee industry : a case for Oaxaca, Mexico
Thesis, degree Master of Arts, UC San Diego, USA.
Simply happy? Voluntary simplicity and subjective wellbeing
Dissertation for the Degree of MSc in Wellbeing and Human Development
South Africa’s Embrace of the Social Economy
Degree of Masters of Arts (Development Studies), Faculty of Humanities, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (York University, Ontario)
Master’s Thesis in International Development Studies Graduate School of Social Sciences University of Amsterdam
Mémoire for The CNAM - Jean-Louis Laville
MAKING MARKETS. The institutional rise and decline of the Argentine Red de Trueque.
Doctoral thesis, Institute of Social Studies: The Hague (NL)
(A) Comparison of Rural Social Enterprises in Britain and the Czech Republic
Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno
RECIPROCITY WITHOUT COOPERATION Small producer networks and political identities in Bolivia
PGD Dissertation Doctorate of Philosophy Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Columbia University