Migrant integration: Case for a necessary shift of paradigm
VIIIemes Rencontres internationales du Réseau Inter-Universitaire de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire, Barcelone : Espagne (2008)
Dieu Donné Hack-Polay, June 2008
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Summary :
This article deals with the antagonism between the need for migrant communities to maintain their native culture and the necessity to integrate in the dominant community in order to achieve social harmony and socio-economic promotion. The article found that cultural isolation could alienate some migrants who may see in the establishment of the community organisation a way of leading a migrant life that requires neither increased contacts with indigenous groups nor specific training. The migrants find themselves locked in menial jobs and do not experience upward social mobility. The situation points to a need to rethink the management of community organisations and support systems.