Yvon Poirier

Active since 2004 in the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS). Various tasks and functions were performed during these years.

Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCSN) and representative to RIPESS,

Since 2014, RIPESS representative in the United Nations Inter-Agency Taskforce Working on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)

Between 2003 and 2013, co-editor of a monthly International Newsletter on Sustainable Local Development.

Founding President of the Quebec City Community Economic Development Corporation (CSRC) in 1993-94. Individual member since then.

Political science teacher and trade union activist from 1968 to 1997.


Another economy is possible! Visions related to building the solidarity economy and related alternatives in North America, published by ALOE, August 2009, pages 142-213

Labour unions and the Solidarity Economy: The Quebec experience, in « Building Alternatives for the People and the Planet, » 2010, pages 93-113

Social Solidarity Economy and related concepts Origins and Definitions: An International Perspective, July 2015, 27 pages

Legal and political recognition of social solidarity economy (SEE). An overview on SSE public policies and guidelines., January 2016, 12 pages

Association for Sarva Seva Farms (ASSEFA) India - 50 years of Sustainable Development, Poirier and Kumar, June 2019, 15 pages

16 case studies

14 Analyses/working papers/articles

2 public contributions

3 articles