Yvon Poirier
Active since 2004 in the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS). Various tasks and functions were performed during these years.
Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCSN) and representative to RIPESS,
Since 2014, RIPESS representative in the United Nations Inter-Agency Taskforce Working on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE)
Between 2003 and 2013, co-editor of a monthly International Newsletter on Sustainable Local Development.
Founding President of the Quebec City Community Economic Development Corporation (CSRC) in 1993-94. Individual member since then.
Political science teacher and trade union activist from 1968 to 1997.
Another economy is possible! Visions related to building the solidarity economy and related alternatives in North America, published by ALOE, August 2009, pages 142-213
Labour unions and the Solidarity Economy: The Quebec experience, in « Building Alternatives for the People and the Planet, » 2010, pages 93-113
Social Solidarity Economy and related concepts Origins and Definitions: An International Perspective, July 2015, 27 pages
Legal and political recognition of social solidarity economy (SEE). An overview on SSE public policies and guidelines., January 2016, 12 pages
Association for Sarva Seva Farms (ASSEFA) India - 50 years of Sustainable Development, Poirier and Kumar, June 2019, 15 pages
16 case studies
The Farmers’ Bank of Rustico - The first credit union in North America?
The Canadian CED network
Yvon Poirier, January 2019
Solidarity economy strengthens peasant agriculture and food sovereignty Workshop at the WSF 2013.
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #99
Yvon Poirier, Judith Hitchman, June 2013
Vth URGENCI Symposium: Monterey California, USA, January 2013
International Newsletter for Sustainable Local Development Newsletter #96
Jocelyn Parot, Yvon Poirier, March 2013
Community Economic Development (CED) in Canada: The Canadian CED network
Yvon Poirier, September 2012
Social Solidarity Economy in Rural China
International Newsletter on Sustainable Local Development #81
Yvon Poirier, September 2011
Article publié dans le Bulletin International de Développement Local Durable, #60,
Yvon Poirier, July 2009
An initiative for alternative employment
Yvon Poirier, February 2009
Inner City Development Cooperative (Quezon City, Philippines)
An original savings and loans initiative for the urban poor
Yvon Poirier, December 2007
Linking the Global and the Local: the vision the Seikatsu Club Consumers’ Co-Operative Union (Japan)
Yvon Poirier, July 2007
Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins (Desjardins Solidarity Credit Union)
A unique financial institution
Yvon Poirier, June 2007
Environmental justice, community development and solidarity economy
The example of Kettleman City, California
Yvon Poirier, November 2006
Community Economic Development (CED) in the Philippines
The turning point of the Agri-Aqua Development Coalition - Mindanao
Yvon Poirier, June 2006
Association for the Wholistic Development of Rural Communities (ASOPRICOR)
Yvon Poirier, July 2005
General Union of Co-operatives (UGC) Mozambique
Yvon Poirier, June 2005
Fédération d’Usagers de la Forêt Communautaire, Népal
Un exemple inspirant de développement communautaire
Yvon Poirier, April 2005
ASSEFA : 35 Years of Service to Rural Communities of India
A holistic approach to community development
Yvon Poirier, October 2004
14 Analyses/working papers/articles
The RIPESS contribution - A detailed account.
Yvon Poirier, December 2024
Yvon Poirier, April 2024
Yvon Poirier, Hamish Jenkins, October 2023
Yvon Poirier, Françoise Wautiez, Béatrice Alain, January 2018
Yvon Poirier, January 2016
Social welfare for all: the potential of a Social Solidarity Economy
ICSW Newsletter Global Cooperation Network January 2016
Yvon Poirier, January 2016
Yvon Poirier, January 2016
Yvon Poirier, March 2015
Social Solidarity Economy and related concepts Origins and Definitions: An International Perspective
Yvon Poirier, July 2014
Yvon Poirier, 2014
L’économie sociale et solidaire, clé pour l’avenir du Québec
Yvon Poirier, 2013
Syndicalisme et ESS : L’Expérience québécoise
Article de la revue RECMA n°322
Yvon Poirier, October 2011
Labour unions and the Solidarity Economy: The Quebec experience
Article published (pages 99-113) in: Solidarity Economy I : Building Alternatives for the People and the Planet, Edited by Emily Kawano, Thomas Neal Masterton and Jonathan Teller-Elsberg, Center for Popular Economics, Amherst MA, USA, June 2010
Yvon Poirier, June 2010
Yvon Poirier, Emily Kawano, 2008
2 public contributions
Yvon Poirier, July 2020
« Social and Solidarity Economy: Key sector for a Sustainable Urban Development »
High-level event in parallel with the United Nations General Assembly, Tuesday September 20, 2016, United Nations Headquarters, New York
Yvon Poirier, September 2016
3 articles
Roberto Di Meglio, Antonella Noya, Leandro Pereira Morais, Felipe Correa Mautz, Ruth Muñoz, Gianluca Salvatori, Alfonso Cotera Fretel, Nicolas Cruz Tineo, Yvon Poirier y otros autores, February 2024
20 aniversario en la construcción del movimiento de la ESS
Artículo del RIPESS Intercontinental, Diciembre 2022
Yvon Poirier, December 2022
20th Anniversary in Building the SSE Movement (Ripess Intercontinental)
Article by Canadian CED Network, December 19, 2022
Yvon Poirier, December 2022