BC-Alberta Social Economy Research Alliance (BALTA)
BALTA is a regional research collaboration amongst community based organizations, universities and colleges in Alberta and British Columbia, Canada, with an interest in the social economy. BALTA’s mandate involves researching various aspects of the social economy with a view to both increasing knowledge about the sector and identifying ways to strengthen and expand the sector. BALTA is the BC-Alberta node of a pan-Canadian research initiative, the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP).
Una propuesta
La Gran Transición: Navegando por un Cambio Social, Económico y Ecológico en Tiempos Turbulentos
Papel presentado en la conferencia del Centro Internacional de Investigación e Información sobre la Economía Pública, Social, y Cooperativa (CIRIEC) en Östersund, Suecia, 1-2 de octubre, 2009.
Michael Lewis, Patrick Conaty, octubre 2009
Una intervención pública
Mapping the Social Economy in British Columbia and Alberta: Trends, Patterns, New Directions
Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research May 27-29, 2009, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
Julia Affolderbach, Mike Gismondi, mayo 2009