Mike Gismondi
Dr. Mike Gismondi is a Professor and Director of the Centre for Integrated Studies at Athabasca University, a member of the BALTA Steering Committee, the Lead Researcher on the Mapping and Portraiture Project, and currently working with SERC 2 with a series of students and colleagues to research social economy and sustainability; social economy and land tenure (social and ecological); and the relationship between heritage buildings and sheltering social economy organizations.
Une publication
Scaling Up The Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability
Mike Gismondi, Sean Connelly, Mary Beckie, Sean Markey, Mark Roseland, Athabasca University Press, Canada, July 2015
Document d’analyse/working paper/article
Beyond Policy ‘Lock-In’? The Social Economy and Bottom-Up Sustainability
Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale, 2012, no 67
Mike Gismondi, Kailey Cannon, 2012
Une intervention publique
Mapping the Social Economy in British Columbia and Alberta: Trends, Patterns, New Directions
Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference of the Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research May 27-29, 2009, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
Julia Affolderbach, Mike Gismondi, mai 2009