Gill Seyfang
CSERGE,School of Environmental Science,University of East Anglia,Norwich, United Kingdom
Dr Gill Seyfang holds a prestigious RCUK Academic Fellowship in the School of Environmental Sciences, and is developing a programme of research around Low-Carbon Lifestyles.
Website of Dr Gill Seyfang -
Una publicación
The new economics of sustainable consumption : Seeds of change
Gill Seyfang, Palgrave Macmillan, UK, 2009
Un estudio de caso
Time Banks in the UK: Building Sustainable Communities
The challenge to create sustainable communities is identified as a core priority in ‘Securing The Future’, the UK government’s strategy for sustainable development. Tackling social exclusion and building neighbourhood engagement are seen as principal elements of that objective, and there is an urgent need for tools and initiatives to achieve these aims. Community currencies are a grassroots innovation which claim to meet those goals. They are initiatives which develop and utilise an alternative medium of exchange, to enable people to trade goods and services without using cash.
Gill Seyfang, September 2006
8 Documentos de análisis/working papers/articulos
Journal Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Volume 28, 2016 - Issue
Gill Seyfang, Noel Longhurst, 2016
Growing Green Money? Mapping Community Currencies for Sustainable Development
Paper for SCORAI conference, June 2013
Gill Seyfang, Noel Longhurst, mayo 2012
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 30(3) 381 – 400
Gill Seyfang, Alex Haxeltine, 2012
Harnessing Grassroots Innovations: Complementary Currencies and Sustainability
International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: “Thirty years of community and complementary currencies – what next?”,February 16 – February 17, 2011, Lyon, France
Gill Seyfang, Noel Longhurst, febrero 2011
Grassroots Innovations for Sustainable Development: Towards a New Research and Policy Agenda
Environmental Politics, Vol. 16, No. 4, 584 – 603, August 2007
Gill Seyfang, Adrian Smith, agosto 2007
Sustainable Consumption and the New Economics: Exploring an Alternative Approach.
CSERGE Working Paper ECM 07-05
Gill Seyfang, mayo 2007
Personal Carbon Trading: Lessons from Complementary Currencies
Efforts to mitigate climate change through managing carbon emissions are prompting new and imaginative policy proposals. One untested proposal to issue tradable carbon emission allowances (carbon currency) to all UK citizens, with the aim of limiting and reducing carbon emissions, is known as Personal Carbon Trading (PCT). The lack of empirical experience with PCT hinders its development, and so this paper makes a conceptual link with the field of complementary currencies (CCs) to explore similarities and derive lessons for success to aid the development and implementation of PCT.
Gill Seyfang, abril 2007
Bartering for a Better Future? Community Currencies and Sustainable Consumption
Gill Seyfang, 2004