IV Conferencia Internacional de Monedas Sociales y Complementarias: Dinero, Conciencia y Valores para el Cambio Social : Socio-economic impacts of local currencies. The case of the Roue (Avignon, France).

maio 2017

Participantes : Jérôme Blanc, Marie Fare, Leander Bindewald

(a(www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU73pFyqn4w&feature=youtu.be&t=0m3s) The video] : 2:03:12

(1) Fare, M. & Blanc, J. & Dissaux, T. - Socio-economic impacts of local currencies. The case of the Roue (Avignon, France).

(2) Bindewald, L. & Orsi, J. & Mont, S. - Complementary currencies and the notion of money in the financial regulatory landscape.

(3) Barinaga, E. - Land, Labour, Capital. Solidarity and Inequality in a community currency.

All the videos of the conference are available on dineroyvalores.wixsite.com/dineroyvalores/videos

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