Mathieu de Poorter
International Consultant, Switzerland.
Una pubblicazione
Dossier thématique : L’Economie Sociale et Solidaire.
Revue de Droit Comparé du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale - 2022/3
Coord. par Isabelle Daugareilh, Mathieu de Poorter, CNRS - Université de Bordeaux, France, ottobre 2022
Un strumento pedagogico
Social and Solidarity Economy: Our common road towards Decent Work
Reader for the ILO Academy on Social And Solidarity Academy 2011
Nancy Néamtan, Mathieu de Poorter, Leandro Pereira Morais, Bénédicte Fonteneau, Fredrick Wanyama, Carlo Borzaga, Giulia Galera, Tom Fox, Nathaneal Ojong, ottobre 2011
2 Documenti di analisi/working papers/articoli
Document de Travail Emploi et Travail
Forum International de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire, FIESS 2011
Mathieu de Poorter, ottobre 2011
“Social and Solidarity Economy: Building a Common Understanding”
First edition of the ILO Social and Solidarity Economy Academy, 25 -29th October 2010, ITC ILO, Turin, Italy
Bénédicte Fonteneau, Nancy Néamtan, Fredrick Wanyama, Leandro Pereira Morais, Mathieu de Poorter, ottobre 2010