Autre Terre asbl
Autre Terre is a Belgian development NGO, member of the Terre group. She has been active for more than 30 years in the fields of agroecology and recycling.
Our goal is to improve the quality of life of the populations of the South through the development of sustainable economic activities and the strengthening of their sales channels. Achieving this goal allows beneficiaries to gain more autonomy.
We intervene in the direct financing of the projects or via a partner more able to apprehend the local reality. We also provide technical and practical assistance to these activities.
Our areas of activity in the South are:
Burkina Faso
The Philippines
Autre Terre also has for mission to sensitize the Belgian public to the reality of the South and to give it the keys to understand the stakes of North / South exchanges and to take position.
As a member of the Terre group, we focus on projects of gender, social economy and solidarity and subscribe to its charter.
One video
Autre terre présentation de l’ONG
Januar 2017
Ein Article
Magazine Autre Terre n°5 - L’entreprenariat social
März 2020
Autre Terre asbl