European Network of Cities & Regions for the Social Economy - Réseau Européen des Villes et Régions de l’Economie Sociale (REVES)
REVES represents, defends and promotes the common values of its members vis-à-vis European and Internationals institutions.
Jointly with its members, it pursues the objectives set out in the REVES charter, in order to :
establish a dialogue with the European and international Institutions in order to create positive conditions for the development of social and solidarity based-economy
develop social responsibility and exchange expertise and know-how, and to implement innovation in the fields of inclusion, participation and empowerment of local communities
educate and communicate the contribution of social economy-based partnership for more solidarity-based communities
be a laboratory for innovation in social policies and to support their dissemination in all territories
Cooperate and create synergies with other national, European and international networks and to complement them
pursue these objectives in Europe and at international level with a view to territorial cohesion, international solidarity, promotion of equal opportunity and north-south cooperation
capitalize on its own and members experiences in the different fields of interest and make them available to all members
Ein Article
REVES Magazine: Public policies and social economy
Year 2023, n°1
Oktober 2023