Exchanging Visions of a Solidarity Socioeconomy

Glossary of important terms and expressions prepared for the WSSE Dakar, Senegal meeting (Nov 19-21, 2005).

November 2005

To download : PDF (130 KiB)

In anderen Sprachen : Español - français

Summary :

This synthesis-document draws on the essential definitions related to a SSE from various texts. It is the result of the collective work that went on during recent years in the electronic forum of the Workshop on Vision. It is meant to serve as a tool for consultation and discussion during the WSSE Dakar meeting. All that this document contains is open for discussion. The Workshop participants believe that the conception and definition of a global vision of SSE is an on-going process because it emerges from the praxis of SSE activists and researchers, never to be confined to a doctrinaire theoretical formula.